LittleWhite (13:55:19) Arf, I have to search now
TheNalex (13:50:41) Quing? is that even a word... google say yes. Strange time we are living...
Machforr (13:36:57) I'm old enough not to really care
LittleWhite (13:33:04) but I feared to be hated for some unknown reason if I would have said Quing
LittleWhite (13:32:38) I thought the same
Machforr (13:31:15) Quing?
Machforr (13:29:08) (or Queen... or Queer)
Machforr (13:28:56) Zoi is the hyperbase king
Machforr (13:28:45) Hey Nal o/
TheNalex (13:19:33) hyperbase is always a good choice And also Hi o/
Time Left: 2:56
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