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PC (other)Blipblop Memories (artotaku remix) Have video by flag Artotaku
Requested By: flagchoca
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Time Left: 4:46

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Song Information

Once Again

Author: flag Smash (Matt Swoboda)

Song Length: 4:25
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 128 kbps
Song Source: Netlabel Release

Additional Information:

// smash 'debuting' (yes, this sounds very stupid!) with this classic triphop track filled with eerie string quartet (or are those only violins) movements, speech samples from within dawns of time and an awesome beat much amplified with an outstanding bass guitar!
triphop lovers, don't miss this one for any cost!


The voice sample is Neville Chamberlain's declaration of war on Germany in 1939:

"You can imagine what a bitter blow it is to me, [when?] all my long struggle to win peace has failed. Yet I cannot believe that there is anything more, or anything different that I could have done and that would have been more successful. Up to the very last, it would have been quite possible to have arranged a peaceful and honourable settlement. Now may God bless you all. May He defend the right. For it is [evil?] things that we shall be fighting against: brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression, and persecution. Against them I am certain we [can?] rightfully prevail."

Last Queued : 2 weeks, 5 days ago

This song has been played 13 times. [See Request History]
It was added 16 years, 2 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.2 - Votes Placed: 21 View Voting History
A total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.

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