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PC-XMDragons Legend by flag MyVoice (Jukke Lundqvist)
Requested By: flagRumpel

Time Left: 6:21

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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

Visit the forums for the details or to leave a comment.

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Please report any bugs to this forum thread!
> Bug Reporting Thread <
Song, artist, etc. corrections go here instead:
> Correct DB Info <
Broken tunes can be reported here:
> Report Broken Tunes Here <


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Currently, there are 36 Active FAQ's:

Q. Why is the FAQ link so big??
Q. What is the weird dice icon next to usernames in the queue??
Q. How does the locking algorithm work?
Q. Where is my account? I can't log in!
Q. Is Oneliner a free speech zone? Is it censored?
Q. Why is the 'Search' function so slow? Also, I sometimes see raw HTML in it?
Q. How does the queue work? How do I queue multiple tunes at once?
Q. Why doesn't the "Now Playing" widget update properly at the end of a song?
Q. How can I upload a new song?
Q. Can I have more than one account here? What if I'm an artist who writes tunes under different aliases?
Q. Why is <tune> "rejected"?
Q. Why is <tune> "inactive"?
Q. What are the basic upload rules?
Q. Which file formats can I upload?
Q. How do I fix an existing tune that has the wrong audio, or needs a better version?
Q. How do I add a new artist? And what are the criteria for inclusion?
Q. Why are there game tunes on here, then? What's the policy?
Q. What do these song statuses mean?
Q. How can I automate making requests?
Q. I want to download that tune!
Q. When are you going to fix <bug>? I want to help! Is there a source code repo?
Q. Do you have some hints about how to use tags?
Q. Where can I change my flag?
Q. I heard that there are some flags which are not mentioned in ISO 3166...
Q. Where can I find a current list of all smileys?
Q. Where can I find a list of all BBCode commands, along with examples?
Q. Did you know that... ?
Q. I wanna chat! Is there an IRC channel or similar?
Q. Is there an API for Necta?
Q. What to do when song information is wrong?
Q. How can I add or change artists to a tune, or edit artist info?
Q. HE MAN? Confirmasse? AMIGAAAA? What the hell does it mean?
Q. Are oneliner messages archived?
Q. Who should I contact if I have another question or have a problem?
Q. How do I get a gold star?
Q. What happened to the old Nectarine?

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Q. Why is the FAQ link so big??

In the past months, many users have been asking questions or making complaints in the oneliner or forum that are directly answered in this FAQ, and the admins were getting tired of it.

In this FAQ is a lot info about how the site works, including: how to add a song, how to add an artist, how the queue works, what the rules are for using the oneliner, all kinds of stuff.

All users should at least skim this FAQ, especially newer users!! Admins have put a fair amount of work into collecting these faqs and providing detailed answers, for the benefit of the community.

The change in size is temporary.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. What is the weird dice icon next to usernames in the queue??

It means the song was queued using the "Queue Random Fav" button.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 9 months, 3 weeks) [Top]

Q. How does the locking algorithm work?

In general, requesting a tune causes it to be locked for 14 days, no matter who queues it (including djrandom). There are two exceptions:

The random-favourite request button ignores lock times. When it queues a tune, that tune is locked for a short time, about two hours, just so we don't hear the same thing too many times in a row. Additionally, the button tries not to queue any tune that was played in the last 12 hours.

There is some sort of race condition bug in the random-favourite-request code, apparently, as once in awhile a tune will get queued twice in succession. The bug is difficult to reproduce, but we're aware of it and will try to fix it.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 4 months, 3 weeks) [Top]

Q. Where is my account? I can't log in!

If you had an account on the old Nectarine site (, contact one of the administrators with your email and username, and we will set you up with a new password. See Who should I contact if I have another question or have a problem? for the list of admins.

Added by flagadmin (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. Is Oneliner a free speech zone? Is it censored?

ONELINER GUIDELINES (and these same rules apply in the Nectarine Discord chat!)



** Do not make comments that would, to a reasonable person, seem racist, sexist, overtly political, or making light of the struggles of others.

** No politics or religion. Keep your politics to yourself. Let's all just get along.

** Do not post links to edgy memes, videos, comics, political news articles, or anything else that may make casual visitors believe this is a hostile or unwelcoming environment.

** You are not sure whether a link or comment is appropriate? DON'T POST IT.

Oneliner is displayed on every Necta page, and to the general public. Oneliner is NOT a "free speech zone". Nectarine admins will remove any comments that break these guidelines posted anywhere on this site, without warning, and will remove oneliner privileges from users who repeatedly break the guidelines. This is a demoscene appreciation site and archive, not a general social media platform.

THERE IS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ABUSE OF OTHER USERS OR STAFF. Hateful words toward users or staff will result in loss of privileges to use the site. There is no trial, tribunal, or appeal. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 years) [Top]

Q. Why is the 'Search' function so slow? Also, I sometimes see raw HTML in it?

Search has some major issues due to the underlying framework and code that have not proved easy to fix. In the meantime, use this search page instead, which is much faster:

(Thank you, flagers35 for providing this marvellous service!)

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 months, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. How does the queue work? How do I queue multiple tunes at once?

1. You can only have one request while there is an active queue; i.e. when other people, including djrandom, are queuing and playing tunes.

2. If nobody else is requesting anything, you may be able to request up to three songs. This is possible when (i) the currently playing song is your own request, and (ii) there is nothing queued by anybody else.

3. Since January 2020, it is only possible to queue one "long" tune at a time. So if you are currently playing a tune that is approx 7 min long or longer, or have one in the queue, you won't be able to queue another such tune until that one has finished playing.

Added by flagmirrorbird (Last Updated: 4 years, 8 months) [Top]

Q. Why doesn't the "Now Playing" widget update properly at the end of a song?

DV is currently based on very old software, and this bug seems to originate in an old external library DV uses. As such, this bug has proven difficult to fix. Nectarine will eventually be rewritten using more modern technology; stay tuned.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 months, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. How can I upload a new song?

So, you want to upload a new song? No problems, follow these steps!

1) Check if the song already exists in the Nectarine database. Be careful with soundtrack from demo: sometimes the name of the song is not the same that the name of the demo (e.g.: soundtrack from "Lifeforce" is called "Memento Mori". Please research both, demo name and music file name.) If you are trying to fix an existing tune which has a bad file, see How do I fix an existing tune that has the wrong audio, or needs a better version? and follow the instructions there.
2) Search for the artist in the Nectarine database (Search page)
3) Once you have reached the artist page, you will find a "Upload a new song for the artist" link.
4) Fill in the form. Please provide as much info as possible.
5) Wait for approval from a moderator. You will receive a PM when a moderator will have checked your upload. If your upload is rejected, you can always ask more information to the moderator who reject your tune.

Note: If the artist of your song does not exist, please look at: How do I add a new artist? And what are the criteria for inclusion?

Added by flagLittleWhite (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. Can I have more than one account here? What if I'm an artist who writes tunes under different aliases?

Multiple accounts are highly discouraged.

If you want to change the name on your existing account, contact us. Don't create a new one.

If you're an artist who writes tunes under different names, please use only one user account here for chatting, requesting, voting, etc.

Sockpuppet accounts are not allowed, and will be disabled when detected, with problem users subject to banning.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 4 years, 4 months) [Top]

Q. Why is <tune> "rejected"?

Usually this status means means one of three things:

1) The song or artist was not found to have sufficient connection to the demoscene for our purposes;

2) We already have a large number of tunes from the artist and we didn't feel more were necessary (rarely);

3) The song is from a game or is a remix/remake of a game tune.

There is some game music on here, mostly grandfathered in from the earliest era where Nectarine was more of a free-for-all computer music radio. But we have had a long-standing rule that no new game music or game remixes will be accepted. See Why are there game tunes on here, then? What's the policy?.

We do not use this status to mean a tune is "bad". That's obviously a subjective judgment and we leave that to the voters! Tunes are accepted onto Nectarine when they have some sort of scene relationship and are at least listenable.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 1 month, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. Why is <tune> "inactive"?

This status is used for tunes that are at least a little bit demoscene-related, but for various reasons deemed unsuitable for the stream. Could be one or more of the following reasons, just to give some examples:

It's not a "final" judgment. An inactive tune could possibly be reactivated depending on listener consensus. But keep in mind that most of the time tunes were deactivated because there was user consensus that it shouldn't be on the stream. As such, if you ask "can you please reactivate <tune>?" the answer will probably be "sorry, but no."

Please do keep in mind that Nectarine is not your personal jukebox - it is a radio, which groups of people listen to socially.

You can of course listen to such a tune for yourself by using the "Listen" link that appears on its song page.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 1 month, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. What are the basic upload rules?

Here are some things to keep in mind when you decide to upload a track:

- Do not upload game tunes or game remixes. They will be rejected. This is a demoscene radio.

- Check if the tune already exists in our database. Try to use as few keywords as possible when searching, so that you don't miss possible alternative spellings or incomplete song titles.

- Don't upload a tune again if it just needs re-encoding. Most such songs show an asterisk (*) next to the status field, e.g. "Active*". Click the asterisk, and you will be taken to a form where you can upload a new version. A moderator must approve it before it goes live. If there is no asterisk, please contact a moderator or admin, or post in the forum.

- We don't need each and every tune of an author. Don't upload whole collections if they vary in quality, just upload the best tracks.

- When encoding to a lossy codec, use at least 192kbps or higher. See also: Which file formats can I upload?

- Looped tunes have to be faded out after the loop point. Short tunes (shorter than a minute or two) can be looped twice before fading out. Nectarine's streamer can handle module looping. Currently only moderators can enable module looping; please contact a moderator if you need this.

- Cut off silence at the beginning and the end of the tracks.

- Always use the latest version of the player / plugin you're encoding from (f.e. always use the latest version of ASAP to encode POKEY tunes or the latest version of XMPlay to render IT modules) and your encoder (f.e. LAME).

- Do not upload commercial tracks.

Added by flagSaga_Musix (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. Which file formats can I upload?

Any format FFmpeg, BASS, OpenMPT or Hively Tracker support. Here are the most common formats, but by no means everything: mp3, ogg, mp4, aac, flac, opus, xm, mod, s3m, it, mtm, ahx, 669, med, okt, [...]

Wherever possible, upload the original format. For example, always upload the original MOD file for an Amiga MOD rather than a rendered version. Our playback software is not completely perfect, but it is always being improved.

If you must submit a rendered version of a track (for example, if a tune is in a format we cannot play directly), please use FLAC or Ogg/Vorbis at the appropriate bitrate.

Added by flagElrinth (Last Updated: 5 years, 2 months) [Top]

Q. How do I fix an existing tune that has the wrong audio, or needs a better version?

First of all, don't create a new song entry by using the "Upload a new tune for this artist" link. That would result in duplicate song pages, something we try to avoid at all costs.

There are two cases:

1) The song you want to fix is a streamrip, and you have the proper song file. On the song page, there should be a little asterisk next to the "Active" song status. Click on this asterisk and you will be taken to a file-upload form. See the FAQs below for which audio formats are supported, if you have any questions.

2) The song you want to fix is not a streamrip, but the song file we have is still not correct. For example, our version has erroneous tracker commands resulting in silence, or has incorrect notes due to file corruption or being a hacked version. In this case, you cannot use the asterisk (because it only appears on streamrips). Contact us on the forum, by PM, or on Discord. Let us know the problem and provide a link to the correct file, and we will replace it.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 years) [Top]

Q. How do I add a new artist? And what are the criteria for inclusion?

Remember that the artist must be connected to the demoscene (wrote music for a demo, took part in a demoscene music competiton, wrote music for an old demoscene-related game, etc).
Mind also that if you intend to upload some contents of an audio CD created by an artist, you must ask his/her permission.

If the artist doesn't fit our requirements, he might still be suitable for our sister radio CVGM.

Just as before adding a new song, please check that the artist you want to add doesn't exist in the Nectarine database. Sometimes the same artist is using different nicknames: try searching for all of them you know. Especially for MOD artists, AMP is a nice help here.

Once you are completely sure that the artist doesn't exist in the Nectarine database, go to the artist list ("Artists") and scroll to the bottom of the page: there you will see a link to suggest an artist.
Fill in the form, and wait for a moderator to accept or reject your suggestion.

If you are too lazy to go on the artist list, the link is the following: Suggest new artist

Added by flagLittleWhite (Last Updated: 2 months, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. Why are there game tunes on here, then? What's the policy?

In the early days of Nectarine, internet radio was a new thing, and not many other vintage computer enthusiast sites existed. As such, a great deal of game music was uploaded here. However, in modern times, it does not make sense for old game soundtracks like Commando or Last Ninja to be on the stream. This is a demoscene radio, and we generally require that some sort of scene relationship exist in order for an artist to be represented here. Exceptions are made for certain vintage game tunes that have been very popular here for a long time, or some game tunes that were foundational to other scene music.

There are many other websites that catalogue and stream game remixes. For one, our sister site, CVGM, focuses on streaming game remixes of all sorts - by all means check it out if that's what you're into.

In the YouTube age, where you can hear almost anything for yourself on demand, Nectarine is more focused on streaming music that is actually related to the scene.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 1 month, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. What do these song statuses mean?

They determine whether the song can be queued and why (or why not).

Songs that can be queued have these statuses:
Active - Everything is okay with this song!
Needs Re-Encoding - This song can be queued, but a better version should be uploaded. Often this means we have a lossy or poorly-rendered MP3 and would like the original file instead.

Songs that cannot be queued have these statuses:

Reported - The song has audio problems – glitches, skips, extra silence or grossly incorrect content – and should be replaced with a new upload ASAP. Please click on the asterisk next to the word "Reported" and submit a replacement, if you have one!
Missing - The tune was not recovered during the reconstruction of the site. If you have a replacement, feel free to submit it by clicking the asterisk next to the status.
Kaput - There is a problem with the actual file we have for the song; usually it means that it is missing (and attempts to request it might fail silently). These tunes are eligible for replacement by clicking on the asterisk next to the status.
Uploaded - This song has just been uploaded and submitted for moderator review. It usually takes us a day or two to review new uploads.
Not verified - Used during mass uploads to indicate songs that still need review.
Removed By Request - This song was removed by the artist's request. If you can no longer see a specific song page, this is the reason.
Inactive - The song is scene-relevant and was accepted into the database, but is currently not eligible to actually be played on the stream – usually it’s because of listener complaints (not necessarily a low rating), for example, over-the-top obscenity, cacophony, or extreme length, to name a few possible reasons. This is not a permanent judgement and such tunes may be re-enabled in the future, depending on user consensus.
Rejected - The song is not really scene-related enough to be played on Nectarine Demoscene Radio.
Moved - The song was moved to an other radio station (CVGM, for example) and is inactive here. This status can also represent an "intention" to move the tune, so if you don't find it on CVGM, feel free to upload it there yourself.
Dupe - This song is a clone of an existing one.
Jingle - This song is a jingle, and thus cannot be requested. Listen to Nectarine long enough, and you'll hear it!

If you see an asterisk (the * symbol) next to any status, this means the song file is eligible for replacement. Clicking on the asterisk will take you to an upload page, which you can use to submit a replacement version. The replacement will be subject to review just like any other upload, so be patient.

Added by flagMyO (Last Updated: 5 years) [Top]

Q. How can I automate making requests?

Please do not do this. Abusing the request system with a script or program will result in your account being deactivated.

Added by flagsqrmax (Last Updated: 5 years, 4 months) [Top]

Q. I want to download that tune!

Some songs have download links in their info or profile (usually through Soundcloud, or other sources).

Many tracks are missing download links. However, you can search for them on such websites as Modland, Modarchive, Amiga Music Preservation, Remix64, and elsewhere online.

Speaking of that – please help us improve song information to make sure everybody gets it!

If you've found a good download link, you can use the "Edit Information" link that is on every song page to submit the download link. Please put the download link in the Comment field (not the Info field!).

Added by flagSaga_Musix (Last Updated: 5 years, 11 months) [Top]

Q. When are you going to fix <bug>? I want to help! Is there a source code repo?

Nectarine is based on very old versions of Django software and some other libraries, and as such, changing components (for example, to fix the search function) is difficult or even impossible in some cases. Updating the Django version, or changing the site to use Flask or whatever, would involve a lot of tedious unrewarding work and breakage that no one wants to do. As such, the site is basically in maintenance mode now. The infamous "Now Playing" bug is especially frustrating, as it has been very thoroughly investigated and we are still not sure why it occurs.

We are sometimes able to add new features, depending on how much work/breakage would be involved.

Two rewrites of the site into modern technology are in progress, but tend to get worked on in fits and starts as we are all very busy.

There is a github repository for the demovibes codebase, but it is not kept in sync with the actual code used on the Nectarine site. Patches would be welcome, except for the fact that setting up a DV instance of your own is quite difficult and annoying, making it difficult to test code changes.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 months, 2 weeks) [Top]

Q. Do you have some hints about how to use tags?

Tags should be used to group songs that cannot be queried in any other way. So, for example, using tags to aggregate songs by the same group, or by the same artist, or for some platform doesn't make sense. Similarly, demo name tags shouldn't be used. Be mindful that tags cannot have spaces. And search for existing tags before adding new ones. It's not cool to add "DOS", "MSDOS" and "MS-DOS".

Added by flagsqrmax (Last Updated: 5 years, 4 months) [Top]

Q. Where can I change my flag?

You can change your flag by going into the menu called 'Edit My profile' located at the top right of the webpage.
The flags code is a 2 characters code, that is corresponding to this table:

Flags are intended to show your real-world location or home country. If you don't want to advertise your location, that's fine; you don't have to set a flag at all.

Use of flags for political purposes, such as setting your flag to that of a country which is having a dispute with another country to "show support", is not allowed here.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 4 years, 3 months) [Top]

Q. I heard that there are some flags which are not mentioned in ISO 3166...

Yes, there are some.
Some country codes are available for countries which do not appear in the list mentioned above or for those who want to look cool:
flag eu
flag fam (uses the colors of famfamfam site)
flag wales
flag england
flag scotland
flag catalonia

Mind that for these codes you need to use the name which is placed by the flag, not any abbreviation (example: if you need Catalonian flag, type "catalonia" in the Country code input field).

(from the profile of userKoekkenbakker – now defunct, sadly)

Added by flagMyO (Last Updated: 5 years, 11 months) [Top]

Q. Where can I find a current list of all smileys?

The list of smileys can be found on this page. Have fun

Added by flagLittleWhite (Last Updated: 5 years, 7 months) [Top]

Q. Where can I find a list of all BBCode commands, along with examples?

You will find the list of tags in this thread: forum BBCode and Smilies

Added by flagLittleWhite (Last Updated: 6 years) [Top]

Q. Did you know that... ?

- You can see user's role
If you move your mouse over user link such as this flagnyingen, you can see if it's "user", "staff" or "admin".

- You can connect user's profile with artist's
Just contact any moderator to do it for you!:)

- Stream is down songs:
1: They Stole a Million
2: Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

- Various bits of information:
Statistics: flagNerdN.
More statistics: flagPhlubby_Gnome.
Even more statistics: flagsqrmax.

Emoticons, oneliner info, bits of history: Koekenbakker.
More info: flagTerrasque.
Assorted photos: flagElrinth.
Nectarine banners: flagmaep.

Added by flagDanger (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. I wanna chat! Is there an IRC channel or similar?

When Nectarine was shut down in 2018, a Discord server was created as an alternative gathering place. As of 2020, a few people frequent it, and it's probably a good place to look in case of some sort of outage.

For those who prefer secure, decentralised chat via completely open-source software, Nyingen runs

There is (was?) an IRC channel on EsperNET, #necta, but it is no longer being maintained as far as I am aware. The old #nectarine channel is defunct, or at least, not run by the current site staff. Neither channel is likely to be useful in the event of a site outage or other problems, but you could try, I guess.

Added by flagSaga_Musix (Last Updated: 2 years, 10 months) [Top]

Q. Is there an API for Necta?

Sort of. Check out forum Necta Web API for more details.

Added by flagStarchaser (Last Updated: 6 years) [Top]

Q. What to do when song information is wrong?

Please use the "Edit Information" link that you can find on each song page allowing you to change various stuff. The changes have to be approved afterwards by a moderator. If you edit a song multiple times in a row without approvement by a moderator in between, make sure to do all changes you did everytime again.
The Link "Add Links" allows you to add various additional links as Youtube, Spotify, CVGM, CSDb,...
After adding links, these have to get approved by a moderator.

For things you can't do with these two links please use the thread forum Correct DB Info to post the wanted changes and link to the track.

Added by flaganni (Last Updated: 5 years, 2 months) [Top]

Q. How can I add or change artists to a tune, or edit artist info?

If you want to change the artist on a given track or want to add a second (or third,...) artist to a track:
Open the song page, click on the "Edit Information" Link and select the artist(s) in the dropdown box. If you want to select multiple, hold down the "Control" or "Command" key on your keyboard.
After selecting them click on "Submit Data" and wait for a moderator to approve the changes.

If you want to change the info of an artist (e.g. changing country or name), please use this thread and give the needed information. It will then be added/fixed by a moderator.

Added by flaganni (Last Updated: 4 years, 1 month) [Top]

Q. HE MAN? Confirmasse? AMIGAAAA? What the hell does it mean?

Ah, I see you wish to get a glimpse of the demoscene catchphrases and references. =) Ask the locals in the Oneliner – they’ll gladly enlighten you.

Most of these are popular silly sayings or references to other songs, such as He-Man. And we really love Amiga for reasons.

If you wish to learn even more, you might try skimming through the Enlighten the ignorant newbie, perhaps? thread on the BBS.

Added by flagMyO (Last Updated: 5 years, 11 months) [Top]

Q. Are oneliner messages archived?

Technically, yes. There is no UI function to delete or edit a oneliner message, and they are not purged automatically from the DB in which they are stored. As such, admins could in theory access any oneliner message ever posted. In practice, we don't, as there is no reason for that.

Old oneliner messages are not currently used for any purpose, except for the "<User> has spoken X times" indicator on user profile pages.

The website UI only shows 20 pages of oneliner history, but that's arbitrary. It's also a good idea to keep in mind that oneliner is very public. It is displayed on every Necta page, whether someone is logged in or not. Additionally, nothing is stopping someone (Necta user or no) from scraping the oneliner and archiving it somewhere.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 1 month, 1 week) [Top]

Q. Who should I contact if I have another question or have a problem?

For general questions not answered in this FAQ, you could ask on Discord or try the oneliner. Admins also watch the forum here, though it may take more time to get a reply.

To contact an admin directly, you can PM any of these users, either here or on Discord. If you don't like Discord, flagnyingen runs a Matrix channel as mentioned elsewhere in this FAQ.

Added by flagnyingen (Last Updated: 2 months, 1 week) [Top]

Q. How do I get a gold star?

It has to be awarded by an admin.

Added by flagStarchaser (Last Updated: 5 years) [Top]

Q. What happened to the old Nectarine?

Originally, Nectarine was coded and maintained by Chris "Yes" Le Sage, the platform was resurrected several times after hard disk failures. In mid-2008, a script kiddie decided to hack the last incarnation of Yes' work, Nectarine v6, abusing a security hole in one of its components. That way, the whole server was wiped out. Sadly, Yes' backup HDD also died a few days before this, so all backups were lost. Luckily, most of the data from the HDD could be restored by professionals, however this only includes the song database. Additionally, after this incident, Yes decided not to work on Nectarine anymore. After changing hands a few more times, the site was shut down in 2018, apparently due to a dispute between the administrator and some users. The current site is run by a team of co-administrators.

If you had an account on a previous incarnation of Nectarine, and would like it reactivated, contact an administrator. Don't make a new one just yet!

Added by flagSaga_Musix (Last Updated: 2 years) [Top]

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