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PC-ReasonBlue Bay (Radio Vocal Edit) by flag Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren) , flag tHiborg (Arvid Thiborg)
Requested By: flagMMX

Time Left: 3:59

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User Profile For Mystra

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flag Kristiansand
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Member Since: October 1, 2008
2384 Uploads, 29480 Votes, Spoken 1811 Times.
Last Login: February 15, 2025
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Icon Icon Icon Icon Mystra's Ultimate Song: AMIGA-MODKlisje Paa Klisje Have video by flag Walkman (Tor Bernhard Gausen) l Locked

Public information

flag Mystra (Kjell Pedersen) / Brainstorm

My Soundcloud account:

Former groups (on Amiga 1989-1997): Rubbers, Paragon, Symbiosis, Stone Arts, Technology and Ram Jam

Brainstorm anno Breakpoint 2007:

flag Mystra (Kjell Pedersen) (looking slightly retarded), flag Axel (Alexander Strohm) , flag Dr. Yes (Christophe Le Sage) , flag Mice (Mikko Ahola) , flag prm (Carl Engström) , flag Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti) Sitting: Imbusy, flag serpent (Touko Väre)

Brainstorm anno Breakpoint 2009 (+ Reed):

flag Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen) , flag Mice (Mikko Ahola) , flag serpent (Touko Väre) , flag Mystra (Kjell Pedersen) , flag Reed (Jaakko Kaitaniemi) , flag Sinatra (Øyvind Lindahl) , flag DJ Joge (Jouko Karhula)

flag Ultrasyd (Sydney) and I at Evoke 2012:

Me and my Amiga at a Symbiosis meeting in 1992 or so: