Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. How do I add a new artist? And what are the criteria for inclusion?Remember that the artist must be connected to the demoscene (wrote music for a demo, took part in a demoscene music competiton, wrote music for an old demoscene-related game, etc).
Mind also that if you intend to upload some contents of an audio CD created by an artist, you must ask his/her permission.
If the artist doesn't fit our requirements, he might still be suitable for our sister radio CVGM.
Just as before adding a new song, please check that the artist you want to add doesn't exist in the Nectarine database. Sometimes the same artist is using different nicknames: try searching for all of them you know. Especially for MOD artists, AMP is a nice help here.
Once you are completely sure that the artist doesn't exist in the Nectarine database, go to the artist list ("Artists") and scroll to the bottom of the page: there you will see a link to suggest an artist.
Fill in the form, and wait for a moderator to accept or reject your suggestion.
If you are too lazy to go on the artist list, the link is the following: Suggest new artist
Added by LittleWhite (Last Updated: 5 months, 1 week) [Full FAQ List]