Rapture (12:42:03) but I'm da goose boy from Germany
Rapture (12:39:53) divibe, ah.
Rapture (12:39:52) regedit stuff. I feel like half a programmer myself, wowie, WORKS!
d_vibe (12:39:48) https://katalog.visarkiv.se
Rapture (12:39:43) holyl god. had to change microsoft edge browser habits, to save pics from .jfif to .jpg
d_vibe (12:38:22) There's even a song about it
d_vibe (12:37:42) Goose boy in Skåne
Rapture (12:36:33) what means ?
d_vibe (12:35:46) Zoi is a gåsapåge
Rapture (12:11:37)
Time Left: 8:10
A history of play requests for song Tales 06 - SWAT