silencer (00:05:39) I was going to ask you, actually, you usually mention geese, so I was going to ask if you had geese
silencer (00:05:16) Indeed brirds
Rapture (00:05:00) birds
Rapture (00:04:57) chicken rule !!!! geese too, ducks too!
silencer (00:04:43) thank you!
silencer (00:04:39) It was not easy! but the new place is big, and allows us to have chicken! we have 16
Rapture (00:04:21) but I'm working on it. congrats, silencer!
Rapture (00:04:17) I'm stuck here... thanks to narcissism from others also
Rapture (00:04:09) I wished I moved AT LEAST ONCE
silencer (00:04:08) We still need to do some repairs, painting, that kind of things
Time Left: 5:01
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