Rapture (00:47:22) oh yes good old gaming times
mirrorbird (00:47:13) textmode Keen, you could do that now. with a filter. lol.
mirrorbird (00:47:05) i don't count games just not working due to no graphics (sniff, i really wanted to play Commander Keen on my 286)
Rapture (00:46:54) sounds so secretive
Rapture (00:46:50) i love dat word
mirrorbird (00:46:32) spelunking is going exploring caves. (i'd try it. but they wouldn't want me there, newbies in caves are a hazard)
mirrorbird (00:46:10) and the game still worked, but there were no textures, so it was like the entire world was made of white plasticine
Rapture (00:46:04) mirrorFACES would love it
mirrorbird (00:45:58) funny thing, i remember the first ever time that i had a game that went wrong because of graphics requirements (on the PC anyway), and it was Tomb Raider 2
Rapture (00:45:54) spelunke... means dusty foggy sekrit pub
Time Left: 3:31
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