
User Profile For Triton
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Member Since: May 25, 2013
13 Uploads, 338 Votes, Spoken 7768 Times.
Last Login: May 31, 2020

Public information
I also go by the name Shinobi
Some nice Quotes &
We all enjoy the maddness 'cuz we know we're gonna fade away
Aber natuerlich sollte man das nicht so pauschal sehen,
es gibt Aufgaben, fuer die ist eine Maus sehr gut geeignet, zB um Medikamente zu testen.
Das sicherste Indiz dafur, das anderswo im Universum intelligentes Leben existiert, ist, das noch
niemand versucht hat, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen. [Calvin & Hobbes]
Trees are the most advanced beings in the world.
- They live longer than anything else on the planet.
- Tress dont pollute.
- Trees store water below and above the ground.
- Tress stop erosion.
- Tress feed with out killing.
- Trees house other animals.
- Trees are beautiful.
- Monkeys like trees.
- Tress don't trample on your paws.
- You can hug a tree.
- Tree sex is with the wind, birds and the bees.
Trees make great cricket bats.
Was andere uns zutrauen, ist meist
bezeichnender für sie als für uns.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Auch der Dumme hat manchmal einen gescheiten Gedanken. Er merkt es nur nicht.
The Internet used to be a university. Then, it became
a shopping mall. But now, it's a war zone.
"UNIX was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from
doing clever things." – Doug Gwyn
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Toleranz heißt: die Fehler der anderen entschuldigen.
Takt heißt: sie nicht bemerken. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
"Vertrauen ist das Gefühl, einem Menschen sogar dann glauben zu können, wenn man weiß, daß man an
seiner Stelle lügen würde."
(Henry Louis Mencken, 1880-1956)
to be continued...
1988 I got my first computer, a 128, which I mostly used for playing 64er games, and later trying to make some music
and graphics with 128er Basic.
Around 1990 on Amiga, a utility called Protracker caught my attention and then I started tracking :-)
copied from NerdN in oneliner