mirrorbird (16:25:59) hahaha
mirrorbird (16:25:58) we'll be divorced before 8 pm
mirrorbird (16:25:49) i started drinking before midday, never do that
mirrorbird (16:25:38) UNH!! UNH
mirrorbird (16:25:35) it's coming
mirrorbird (16:25:25) oh yeah i still owe you a msg. later later
Rapture (16:25:22) or even not even me
mirrorbird (16:25:17) games are pretty low priority anyway
Rapture (16:25:09) or even just me.
mirrorbird (16:25:06) you may use that time to do scary shit you keep not doing, like learning how not to have your roof collapse on you, well i dunno
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