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PC-RenoiseElectronics Underground (Marine Melodies version) by flag Erk (Eric Kernin)
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Artist Info

Raffaele Cecco

Location: flag London

Additional Information:

Raffaele Cecco is a British video games developer who has created numerous video games since 1984, including Cybernoid and Exolon. He grew up in Tottenham in North London.

Due to the popularity of Cecco's video games he was asked to write a monthly diary for CRASH magazine, the first installment being 15 April 1988.[1] The diary documented the development of Stormlord.

He first started programming on a ZX81 and his first release was Cop-Out, published by Mikro-Gen in 1986.

These are games that Cecco has developed or been closely associated with.

• Equinox (1986, Mikro-Gen)
• Exolon (1987, Hewson Consultants)
• Cybernoid (1988, Hewson Consultants)
• Stormlord (1989, Hewson Consultants)
• First Samurai (1991, Vivid Image)

A compilation of his games, Cecco's Collection, was released by Hewson in 1990, and includes Exolon, Cybernoid, Cybernoid II, and Stormlord. Your Sinclair awarded this compilation 92%, describing it as a fine three-year collection of Cecco's achievements and a succinct history of Spectrum programming to that date. The reviewer, Andy Ide, also considered Cecco as one of the Spectrum's biggest stars.

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Exolon [amstrad] flag Raffaele Cecco 1:48 Rejected 3.7 l Locked 2020-07-24