mahogany (14:27:43) heya
faraday (14:26:30) hey noodi
noodi10 (14:26:17) hi fara
noodi10 (14:26:13) hi mahogany
faraday (14:13:06) \o
mahogany (13:30:07) o/
mirrorbird (12:49:02) kristy send me a copy, it he reminded her of me, very flattering
Oldchap (12:09:15) I was so sick of witnessing his apathy on every page.
Oldchap (12:09:03) I just hated that character.
mirrorbird (12:06:40) (well he gets semi-assaulted at the end, by the only person who realises what's happening. good stuff. sometimes the good guy is the bad guy)
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