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Compilation Compilation: 8BP050 Bonus Disc

8BP050 Bonus Disc
8BP050 Bonus Disc

Compilation Summary:
Name: 8BP050 Bonus Disc
Label: 8bitpeoples
Release Date: 30 Nov. 2006
Running Time: 14:28
Num. Disks: 1
Media Type: MP3
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 4 Jan. 2019
By: flagSTS-136

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Compilation Details For 8BP050 Bonus Disc:

Dedicated to new advances with old machines, 8BITPEOPLES celebrates its 50th release with 8BP050, a special 50-artist compilation capturing the current exciting moment of radical and explosive evolution in the chiptune scene. This document is assisted by The Tank, a non-profit art space and the definitive chiptune epicenter of both New York City and North America. It is released to coincide with the Blip Festival 2006, an international convergence of over 30 chiptune performers, organized by both parties. 8BP050 intends to document a groundbreaking scene, a continuing partnership, and the largest-scale chiptune event to date.

Because of time constraints and the scope of the 8BP050 project, it was necessary to over-ask for tracks in order to ensure that we hit 50 by the deadline. In the end we received a total of 70 tracks — every one of them totally badass. Not wanting to let a single one of these excellent contributions slip away, the remaining 20 tracks are presented here in their entirety as a downloadable Bonus Disc.

Compilation Artists: flag Chibi-Tech (Jaelyn Nisperos) flag Psilodump (Simon Rahm) flag Trash80 (Timothy Lamb) flag Zabutom (Niklas Sjösvärd)

Songs In This Production (4 Total) :

NESOniichan Dakara Iiyo by flag Chibi-Tech (Jaelyn Nisperos) Log in to queue
PC (other)Hatthylla by flag Psilodump (Simon Rahm) l Locked
PC (other)B(a)it and Switch by flag Trash80 (Timothy Lamb) Log in to queue
Robot Adventure Cloud Stage by flag Zabutom (Niklas Sjösvärd) Log in to queue

All Images For This Compilation

8BP050 Bonus Disc
8BP050 Bonus Disc