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Compilation Compilation: Return to Stage 9

Compilation Summary:
Name: Return to Stage 9
Release Date: 29 Nov. 1999
Running Time: 298:47
Media Type: Modules
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 22 Feb. 2010
By: flagSaga_Musix

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Compilation Details For Return to Stage 9:

Compiled by Stein, this is maybe the biggest musicdisk ever.
Many tracks are still missing on Nectarine, so if you have some spare time, feel free to upload some more!

Compilation Artists: flag Aahz (David Fitches) flag Andreas Viklund (Viktor Andreas Viklund) flag Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam) flag Beek (Chris J. del Camino) flag C.C. Catch (Kenny Chow) flag Catspaw (Andrew Nissley) flag Darkhalo (Josh Barnett) flag elblanco (Mark Sanders) flag Electric Keet (Jessie Tracer) flag Genosha (Ganesh K. Viswanathan) flag Hunz (Johannes Van Vliet) flag IMode (Aaron Yee) flag Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg) flag Loonie (Ulf Liedberg) flag Maelcum (Daniel Nicholson) flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) flag Mempheria (Andre Thomasson) flag Mystical (Asbjørn Andersen) flag Norfair (Carl Åborg) flag Pirat (Sascha von Dages) flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) flag Ryan Cramer (Ryan J. Cramer) flag Scirocco (Ian Graves Lymann) flag Screamager (Mehran Khalili) flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) flag Sirrus (Bryan Rudge) flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) flag SoundGod flag Tangerine (Philipp Barsky) flag Tito (Johan Lars Althoff) flag Tourach (Juha Leinonen) flag Wayfinder (Sebastian Grillmaier) flag zipp (Eugeny Danchenko)

Songs In This Production (25 Total) :

PC-XMAnxiety by flag Hunz (Johannes Van Vliet) , flag Norfair (Carl Åborg) l Locked
PC-XMQuest by flag Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg) Log in to queue
PC-ITRazorback by flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) Log in to queue
Seahorse Joel Karos by flag Tito (Johan Lars Althoff) Log in to queue
PC-XMSeldom Seen by flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) Log in to queue
PC-XMSuperglam by flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) l Locked
PC-XMSurprise Contact by flag Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg) Log in to queue
PC-XMTears Never Dry by flag Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam) Log in to queue
PC-XMTiefensinn by flag Pirat (Sascha von Dages) Log in to queue
PC-ITTwo Steps by flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) , flag Sirrus (Bryan Rudge) l Locked
PC-ITWasted Emotions by flag IMode (Aaron Yee) Log in to queue
PC-XMPersian Starfall by flag Scirocco (Ian Graves Lymann) Log in to queue
PC-ITNeuron Core by flag Electric Keet (Jessie Tracer) Log in to queue
PC-XMKing of Nowhere by flag Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam) Log in to queue
PC-XMBack to Basic by flag Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam) , flag Mempheria (Andre Thomasson) Log in to queue
PC-ITCannon Angel by flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) Log in to queue
PC-XMChaotic Moment by flag Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg) Log in to queue
PC-ITDepth by flag Electric Keet (Jessie Tracer) Log in to queue
PC-XMDestruction by flag Norfair (Carl Åborg) Log in to queue
PC-ITEphemeral Wanderer by flag C.C. Catch (Kenny Chow) Log in to queue
PC-ITEpic Seascape by flag Ryan Cramer (Ryan J. Cramer) Log in to queue
PC-XMEverlasting War by flag Andromeda (Morgan Norrestam) Log in to queue
PC (other)I Have a Dream by flag Tito (Johan Lars Althoff) Log in to queue
PC-ITKalapaki Beach by flag Ryan Cramer (Ryan J. Cramer) l Locked
PC-ITWilderness by flag Tourach (Juha Leinonen) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

"The Mother of all sequels." - Bruce Campbell

Released November 29th, 1999

Okay, so maybe Bruce was referring to Evil Dead 2. I'm sure if he knew that this musicdisk existed, he'd say the same thing. Stage 9 is a musicdisk that came out in January 1998. It featured 15 modules from various artists in the PC music scene. It was a pretty big success within the scene. However, few people outside the scene ever got to hear it. This sequel hopes to change all that.

The facts about Return to Stage 9:

It features 62 songs from 37 artists.

These 62 songs = 4 hours, 58 minutes and 47 seconds.

Compiling this project took over 1.5 years.

It is the biggest musicdisk ever assembled.

Like Stage 9, Return to Stage 9 was organized entirely by myself. I have no clue how much total time I've spent on this project. I just know it's been a long ride. With as much time as I have invested, it's my goal to make this musicdisk extremely successful. I can't do it all myself. You need to give me a hand. YOU, yes YOU! Download the music. If you enjoy it, tell as many friends about it as you can. Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Over the years, I've learned something. Great music can be found anywhere, and in any genre of music. It's out there for the finding. There's nothing as cool as finding new music that you absolutely love. There are a few gems in this musicdisk, see if you can find them. Please email the artists. They've spent many hours composing music, feedback is a great way to let them know that effort wasn't in vain.

All of the music is provided absolutely free for your listening pleasure. Each individual piece of music is property of its respective author. Use of this music on cd compilations, CD-ROMs, etc is strictly forbidden. If you do wish to use any of this music for financial gain, you MUST first contact the author(s). Okay, enough of the legal stuff.

I'd like to encourage you to support the artists if you enjoy the music. Several of these artists have CDs available to purchase right now. It's really quite amazing how many great musicians are without any income from the music they work so hard to produce. If you represent a record label or a game company, I can assure you that most if not all of these artists would be happy to discuss any musical needs you might have.

In closing, I'd just like to thank a few people. I must thank each and every one of the artists that contributed to this project. It wouldn't exist without you. Thanks for being so patient with me. Thank you to everyone who downloads the music and then tells others. Thanks to Sirrus for designing the webpage. Thanks to Zsazs for hosting it. Thanks to Bruce Campbell for endorsing it (yeah don't I wish :). Enjoy the music.

Yours truly,
Justin Reid (Stein)

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