The SandS (Founded On:
20 Dec. 1994
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Last Updated:
26 Dec. 2009
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The SandS is the largest Russian demoscene group active at the moment. It was created in 1994 and is still making music for games and for pleasure of music lovers.
Active Group Members:
C-jeff (Dmitry Zhemkov)
Eraser (Boris Krukov)
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
LAVender (Andrey Litvinov)
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Rain (Maniak) (Sergey Yavny)
SnowCat (Pavel Elizarov)
Tangerine (Philipp Barsky)
Tarh (Alexander Vasilyevsky)
Tone (Khariton Kantiev)
Treks (Anton Kudin)
Xanah (Pavel Yakovlev)
Active Group Songs:
Tribute to Beauty by
Rain (Maniak) (Sergey Yavny)
Tundra by
Agent Orange (Oleg Sharonov)
Under Laziness by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Voices from There by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Voices from There (chip) by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Vorcuto by
Waiting for Julia by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Walk in the Rain by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Waltz in C dur by
C-jeff (Dmitry Zhemkov)
Warm Lake by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
We Are Alone by
What's Happened? by
Tangerine (Philipp Barsky)
When the Past Comes Back by
Treks (Anton Kudin)
Wild Spirit's Lair by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
Win the Hunter by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Wire Dance by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
With Me By My Side by
Treks (Anton Kudin)
World of Plastic by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)
Yet Another Illusion by
Treks (Anton Kudin)
Yggdrasil by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
You by
Rain (Maniak) (Sergey Yavny)
you use m-e by
Treks (Anton Kudin)
[AstroMenace]Getting Information by
Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky)