Bytefall Group [BFG]
Last Updated:
6 Sept. 2023
Added By:
Russian PC demogroup. Nowadays inactive.
Active Group Members:
Eraser (Boris Krukov)
Active Group Songs:
A Beauty from Hell by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
A Flight Through the Feelings by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
Emotions by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)
Forgotten Sunrise by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
Ice Evil by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
In Da Mix by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
Industrial Light & Magic by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)
Lost Forever '97 by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
Nightfall by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)
Rush to the Origins by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)
Sea of Dreams by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
The Edge of Universe by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
The Origins by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)
Two Sides of Soul by
Fast Shadow (Alexander Chiglyakov)
Underwater World - Part 3 by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
Unknown Constellation by
Slightly Magic (Pavel Vorobyov)
Vision by
Euggie (Eugene Davidov)