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PC (Custom)Transer 2014 by flag Ejkot (Andrey Pitolin)
Requested By: flagnyingen

Time Left: 4:41

- Streams

Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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Site Links

As part of our ongoing discovery of musician/music related websites, we are pround to present this list of links for you to explore.

Tools & Applications - 3 Links

XMPlay audio player - The best player for scenefans on both Windows and Linux/Wine
Nectarine's Discord -
Cobbler - A simple MacOS streaming client for Scenestream

Web Radio Stations - 6 Links

CVGM - Video game, demo scene and computer related music
SceneSat -
Kohina - Old school game and demo music
ERICADE.RADIO - "The Last True Tracker Music Broadcaster"
BitJam Radio -
SLAY Radio -

Know of a great link that belongs here? Send Us Your Link!