mirrorbird (16:10:10) the Moomin wants to know where that naughty lesbian is
faraday (16:09:43) arf
faraday (16:09:23) mb : pas compris
doh (16:08:54) @zoi: OK, seems to work on scenestream.net not on www.scenestream.net.
zoi (15:38:26) in fennosweden we have "mumin visar allt" YouTube Link
mirrorbird (15:36:32) Moomins subtitling error https://ibb.co
Accidental (15:29:59) Oh, okay. Go on then.
zoi (15:28:11) #freestinsen
zoi (15:28:09) we need more of that
zoi (15:28:07) yes, but only when he's drinking at home alone in his underwear
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