I also do other things than jr, yachts and demos. but it's top secret. so secret. but great stuff!
"geese, shoprun, end of story? " nah, it's just the surface
What else is going on in my life? It's none of anyone's business, but I can tell about consoles.
Soon I will have PS4, PS5, Xboxes, Switch, then I have them all.
Always satisfying beating a video game - after beating the end boss on Eternal Darkness again, I shouted "YES !!!" No optional stuff to be done, except the 4th magic which I got, no stuff to do, finished, great!
Switching off the achievement notifications, don't need them. I play the games through, like I want, as much as I have fun, and moving on then, is the best concept for me. Rarely need optional stuff. Maybe on an epic goose game or so