joes (19:14:00) haha
noodi10 (19:12:42) im queuing every single SID song guys, get ready
zoi (19:00:33) I could probably have improved that swimming result, but I never had a chance to retry it when I served
zoi (19:00:16) cooper test was 3000m in 12 minutes. plus then accuracy when shooting and a 20+ hour march in fullg ear
joes (18:59:32) that does sound tight
zoi (18:58:53) if memory serves I think it was 200m in 5m30s. no crawl.
joes (18:56:54) how fast?
zoi (18:56:06) I done did the distance required, but not fast enough
zoi (18:55:58) Swimming was the only thing keeping me from a green beret :'(
zoi (18:55:33) apparently his name is Ulysses
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