Stinsen (20:40:34) listen to this serp
serpent (20:40:18) i tried to req in to say this
serpent (20:40:04) tthe ratings in csdb are useless nowadays
Stinsen (20:39:55) too good this
serpent (20:39:26) i was once in csdb but my account got old, then id couldnt get a new one
Stinsen (20:38:49)
Stinsen (20:36:35) whatta queue
Stinsen (20:36:17) archon
Stinsen (20:35:31) then it is special
Stinsen (20:35:23) even doh give 4*
Time Left: 2:22
Afternoon by DigitalFetched from Pouet id 9255