d_vibe (08:47:46) Ok
zoi (08:46:18) I've never had one of those parallel port drives
d_vibe (08:46:13) up to 3 external I think
d_vibe (08:46:02) you can daisychain more drives
DennyItaly (08:45:41) I remember 4, from df0: to df3:
zoi (08:45:39) but amiga has proper drivers and shit, so you can even add USB and USB disk drives
zoi (08:45:28) you've got one built-in, and I think you can have a second one through the parallel port
mirrorbird (08:45:00) how many drives can an Amiga support?
d_vibe (08:43:21)
zoi (08:42:21) unless they're in the attic in prague
Time Left: 4:30
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