Agemixer (01:24:13) YouTube Link
Rapture (01:24:09) haha
mirrorbird (01:23:43) Rap: there's some old song "i thank the Lord that i am blessed / with more than my share of happiness". -- kids would sing it "more than my share of A PENIS"
Rapture (01:23:43) uglyness. quicker
Rapture (01:23:36) constructing a word then denying it, hehe
Rapture (01:23:22) beautifulnessless ... lessness?
Rapture (01:23:10) too tired to speak engl atm
mirrorbird (01:23:08) we allow poets to do these things
Rapture (01:23:04) happyness.. happiness?
Rapture (01:22:52) true true
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