Rapture (01:50:58) yea lol
lenny (01:48:20) It took them like 10 episodes to finish a mtach, since football camps seemed to be infinite.
Rapture (01:47:18) highly recommended.
Rapture (01:47:16) https://onlineshop.haribo.com
Rapture (01:46:59) HARIBO VAMPIRE
Rapture (01:45:19) lol dat football anime not my thing
lenny (01:43:55) And before that, I used to watch a few episodes from Captain Tsubasa.
Rapture (01:42:07) but makes sense once you see it
Rapture (01:41:59) never knew that Black Belt (SMS) and Last Battle (Megadrive) are based on that.
Rapture (01:41:16) Fist of the Northstar / Kenshiro rules too
Time Left: 6:14
A Blind Marathon by Topaz BeerlineFetched from Pouet id 5742