Rapture (22:32:08) Greetings to Knight HaCKa
Rapture (22:31:42) "Thanks for making me feel like I was actually participating in a real life war." a YT comment towards me. Huh? Is it a trollish comment? Hah, no! Now I got it, it's a reply to a boss theme for a game I scored. LOL. Great comment!
Rapture (22:31:08) HaCKa!
HaCKa (22:25:41) Fabs
Rapture (22:14:11) HIYA!
latter (22:12:36) gn8!
faraday (22:12:02) GN8
faraday (21:23:44) L'âme, ou tarde
faraday (20:57:23) *no
faraday (20:19:38) now, it was wasted
Time Left: 5:36
A history of play requests for song Anarchy in the Kitchen