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PC (other)Sunshine in a Box Have video by flag Flipside (Alexander Odden) , flag Gloom (Bent Stamnes)
Requested By: flagfaraday
In Compilations: Compilation Bitjam Podcast #85
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Song Information

PC (other)Menschenquellen Have video

Author: flag JCO (Jan C. Obergfell) GroupFarbrausch

Uploaded By: flagvsk

Song Length: 5:20
Release Year: 2007
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 224 kbps
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

3rd place in combined demo compo at the Ultimate Meeting 2007

"the (german) text is 100% original from a spam mail that jco received about a month ago (except for the repetitions). not a word was changed, and neither were any of the urls (as spoken). the website is gone for good already, so the whole thing probably was a short-lived scam operation. in any case, the completely fucked up german translation with its unintentional humor was reason enough for jco to make a track out of it, and for me to suggest turning it into a demo :). besides, we both found it hilarious how the job offer crap in the first half slowly turns into the cheesy propaganda-ish phrases full of military metaphors in the second half." -ryg

English "lyrics" taken from the on-screen text in the demo:

salute you! / allow us to inform you / about new offer / by online-investments. / It is best partner program / for human / looking for side service on internets. / Please allow us / explain you few specials / and present interesting information / to you / so you have no necessity / searching another work / on the internets. / (traditional chinese marching music) / You may find our offer / very interesting and useful. / (more glorious marching) / If you have a few free hours per day/ and minimal computer ableyties / then you human / very useful as employee to us. / A lot of people currently / work during long time / and this work is / for them / main job on the internets. / (oh, the heroic hordes!) / Now you have chance doing this! / Now you have chance doing this! / Now you have chance doing this! / Now you still reading subtitles?!? / Allow us say few words about online-investments. / We work with new decisions in business of internets. / Currently we’ve reached international level / and working with many countries. / Now we working in following main concerns / Investments / Information Technology / Human Sources / (virtuosic sitar solo) / We hope / you understand meaning / of our mission / and wanting to be member of great collective! / Please ask yourself / a few questions: / Do YOU want to change life of yours? / Do YOU want to be convinced of next day? / Do YOU want to be useful member of important society? / If YES / Allow us to congratulate you! / All you need contact us! / You can get answer yours question / and give us your / r\`esum\`e per our website / Afterwards, as we get r\`esum\`e of yours / we discuss it / and will be happy to welcome you in our company! / We hope / YOU are interested in our offer / and find you among our best employees! / Human Sources / (the percussion section is victorious) / Please do NOT answer this letter! / Simply visit us on internets! / Please do NOT answer this letter! / Simply visit us on internets! / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Human Sources / Please do NOT answer this letter! / Simply visit us on internets! / / to get new information. / Registration form avaliable at address / \url{} / Sincerely, your d.webb online-investments. / Closed captioning by People’s Liberation Subtitlers Jan Liai-Xing

Last Queued : 6 months ago

This song has been played 122 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 8 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.4 - Votes Placed: 168 View Voting History
A total of 34 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


fr-minus-09: human sources
fr-minus-09: human sources

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User Song Comment
Blah! (c:

No need to speculate, I've added some words by ryg about this demo to the description.

All I ever wanted was some Sunshine.

I don't know what is being said, but this üntz is fantastic üntz!


The text seems to be translated from english with babelfish or friends! Broken German!
It's akin, in language and content, to many of the job offers in my spam folder.
Menschenquellen -> human resources

This is SoDa7 from Darkage!


Kuchen ! Wer ihn tadelt liegt falsch

I'd rather speculate the text to be a spam letter that got "translated" with one of these Babelfish/google translat0rz

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