MMX (15:12:01)
arrakis (15:11:42)
arrakis (15:11:38)
arrakis (15:11:31)
MMX (15:11:27)
arrakis (14:53:31) same mirror in France : Lst Christmas mariay carey and2) Wham...Even if iN France we have Tino ROSSI 90% plmayted in english
mirrorbird (14:43:59) apparently that song is UK Christmas number one this year -- again
mirrorbird (14:43:32) ha
mirrorbird (14:43:30) (the Wham "Last Christmas" bit)
mirrorbird (14:43:04) something Robocop III-like in this bassline Xmas Tunes
Time Left: 5:50
List over votes for the song Hot Dogs 2