Rapture (11:57:58) HaCKa
Rapture (11:57:57) Coli
Colidace (11:57:45) Rapture o/
Rapture (11:42:27) heron, then pelican, then heron, then pelican again
Rapture (11:42:00) idea: make it horizontal again, then vertical, then horizontal
Rapture (11:41:47) vertical MEEP then horizontal 16:9 in vertical MEEP then vertican again MEEP
Rapture (11:41:26) I never seen SUCH a failure of aspect ratio !!!!
Rapture (11:41:18) https://www.youtube.com
Rapture (11:41:18) LOL
Time Left: 2:35
A history of play requests for song New Constellation