atinypony (22:14:40) hönk
Stinsen (21:47:11) honk
faraday (21:44:27) geese
Stinsen (21:41:33) myum! kitchen, what is cooking?
Rapture (20:13:58) kitchen, cya! o/
Rapture (20:13:57)
Rapture (20:13:52) mega greetz to STINSEEEEEEN! and a few to zoi
Rapture (20:13:44) I'm da JOKE EXPLANATOR!
Rapture (20:13:39) zoi means for instance, chicken.
zoi (20:08:17) well, you usually have a lot of beaks in a coop
Time Left: 9:48
List over votes for the song De Profundis