mirrorbird (20:16:43) stayin' up forever gets hard after 40
Agemixer (20:16:42) not only lying in a bee but doing something important task for example
mirrorbird (20:16:33) well i have to "recover" for like 3 days afterwards, it's inconvenient
mirrorbird (20:16:24) can't stay awake insane hours any more
MMX (20:15:54) i mosaik
Agemixer (20:15:24) mirrorbird: try to be awake for 72 hours from now, and i can tell you gained the sisu
mirrorbird (20:14:46) more mosaik
mirrorbird (20:14:33) Rubik this is an old old favourite from when i first found nectarine (which was some years before this account)
MMX (20:13:53) "dont be afraid to fail. be afraid not to try"
Agemixer (20:13:23) i can fail in the end, still i can say i had that sisu
Time Left: 6:50
A history of play requests for song Commando (toennel commando remix - final edit)