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PC (other)You Never Will Get Out of There Alive by User The Fine Gentlemen's Cocktail Club™
Requested By: flagBBB

Time Left: 3:50

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Song Information

PC (other)The End (fr-08)

Author: flag Infamous (Chris Bailey)

Uploaded By: flagprowler

Song Length: 4:45
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

The original demo tune by KB has always held a place in my heart, not just because it sounds so fantastic but because of the technical marvel that it was/is, weighting in at a measly 10k when compressed and being nearly 10 minutes long .. thats nearly 1k per minute, definitely not to be scoffed at.

Felt it quite apt that it would be called the ending as I have decided to make this the very last remix that I do and im sure it won't be everyones cup of tea being on the more "harder" edge of the trance spectrum and taking a leaf out of the marcel woods book of composer (this basically means distort the crap out of everything and have a hook and stick to it) I am very proud of what I've achieved with this and feel personally its my best remix so im glad to have ended on a high.

The tune itself was done with a mixture of programs, The main line was redone 1st of all in renoise so that i could track it correctly, I then expanded it in size so that it ran at 260bpm (the tune itself runs at 130bpm on something like vdj/traktor), It was then imported as a midi to ableton where the nexus wrapped its loving arms around it, a bit of jiggling about with the square/saw modulators bit of filtering here and there and you have that relatively harsh buzz sound. Next I added the drums and the original stabbing bassline and the 1st rudimentary version of it was born which I posted to the forums and got a relatively nice reception for it which spurred me on to finish it.
Quickly gave it a proper beginning, which changed several times until you have the one you hear now.. Was just going to start on the strings and slowly bring everything together in a creshendo .. scrapped that idea quite quickly and went for the more dj friendly drum/hipass beginning, that slowly moves into the 1st dropout with the strings on their own and a preline which is the vangaurd heavily filtered and messed about with, the 1st string pattern is a simple premade noise from the nexus the 2nd string line comes out of the helix and took a few goes before I got it to sound right (that things matrix editor is a fiddly little bastard at the best of times but definitely worth the effort).
Finally I went back over it and refined the mainbassline which is just a variation on the original one and played on a simple square synth run through a distortion unit and mono'ed then compressed down so that it didn't explode speakers. Did the same thing to the drum pattern aswell (except for the breakbeat part where the compressor is switched off dinamically), Did some variations on the hipass bass and drumwork (cut outs here and there) refined the temp filters and listened to it a few times to makes sure it sounded ok to my ears before recording it and putting it up here.
And as i said, Im proud of it and I hope some of you get some enjoyment out of it.

Remixing has been a real learning experience and it has been a real joy and a pleasure to be able to share my visions with you all, I thank each and every one of you for listening and to the many artists here (too many to mention and if i did drop names i'd be bound to miss one) who have helped me grow as a musician with your support, friendships and the music you guy's make that I have listened too for the past 8 years or so.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart, I definitely wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys (and girls) and to everyone that runs this website and Kwed too, you guy's (and girls) all deserve medals... so ladies and gentleman with that, I graciously bow out on what I feel is a personal high.


Infamous aka chris bailey (mainly to his bank manager and those sods at the tax office)

Last Queued : 2 months, 3 weeks ago

This song has been played 82 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 1 month ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.9 - Votes Placed: 68 View Voting History
A total of 20 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This song is a remix of: 64K exefr-08 Main Have video by flag kb (Tammo Hinrichs) l Locked


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Hello World!

Well made, but a little bit too repetitive for me...

[Yes Info Line]

nothing can beat the original


Agreed with MMX, but still 4 stars for this remix. Well done, sir!

Kuchen ! Wer ihn tadelt liegt falsch

Nope, doesn't even reach the groove of the original a tiny bit.

Wannabe scener since around 2000

Disappointing, to say the least.