Rapture (20:26:36) kitchen time cya
Rapture (20:26:13) to be around horses much yeeee
Rapture (20:25:56) blacksmith
Rapture (20:25:52) I'd like to be horse smith
zoi (20:21:51) A watchmaker might be fun, too, but I don't think I have the finesse it requires. those hair springs are tiny.
zoi (20:21:38) I re-pinned three cylinders in the Sweden-house so I can have the same set of keys for all six doorlocks.
zoi (20:20:23) I think I'd enjoy being a locksmith
Rapture (20:19:58) manual
Rapture (20:19:51) manua labor work yay
Rapture (20:19:46) need variation
Time Left: 4:32
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