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2003Related songs:

Gargaj (Gergely Szelei)

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Song Length: 3:26
Release Year: 2003
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 128 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Additional Information:
Since the original tune had these really heavy digi-drums, I decided to experiment a bit with these really sharp and "slappy" snares, followed by standard, but higher pitched 909-drumkits, with a very high compression ratio, and adding these little nuskool retrig stuffs.
Not all tune parts are covered, the beginning theme comes back at the end because I didn't like the rest of the original, so I brought back the beginning patterns with some extra melodies I figured from the rest of the song.
An interesting thing is the game itself. It was prolly the first game I really noticed the music in because the digi-samples sounded so tough and heavy. It was probably the first game where I looked for the name of the composer, and since then I was able to say, "yes, the music is good, it's Hülsbeck" :-) (The another one was prolly Thing Bounces Back)
The game itself was rather bad if you consider other games in the same genre, it was basically a screen with two wizard-like thingies shooting each other. What really killed the game was a special move, that made the character release a Pac-Man-like chomping thingy which started to pursuit the enemy and it was reasonably faster than the player, so it was only a matter of time before the chomper ate the opponent. This reducted the game to the "who-can-shoot-that-spell-first-and-then-run-away-as-long-as-possible" level, which was a shame because of the great music.
Last Queued : 8 months, 1 week ago
This song has been played 57 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 10 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.9 - Votes Placed: 28 View Voting HistoryA total of 9 users have this song on their favourites list.
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