Agemixer (19:26:55) The link name tells A SID cover of that originally russian trance track
mirrorbird (19:25:46) what is it?
Agemixer (19:25:44) And yeah i'm full sober, lol
mirrorbird (19:25:32) no emulator installed at present
Agemixer (19:24:59) can
Agemixer (19:24:54) Rapture, mirrorbird: You gan check that too if you can run prg file
Agemixer (19:15:10)
Agemixer (19:15:04) repost because of onlinerspam
Agemixer (19:14:07) Bye Seymour.. check it out someday. it's a wip but relatively good already. old project now..
mirrorbird (19:13:31) Rapture i got Milka "chocolate dessert" flavour
Time Left: 5:21
A history of play requests for song CT/CC Medley - Schala