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AMIGA-MODKenmare River by flag Doh (Nicolas Desessart)
Requested By: flagmirrorbird

Time Left: 2:48

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Song Information

PC-RenoisePlease do not blow the Vuvuzela (Short Version)

Author: flag rams (Ramon Ott)

Uploaded By: flagrams

Song Length: 2:40
Release Year: 2010
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 160 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Platform: PlatformPC-Renoise

Additional Information:

- Whether you like it or not, you gotta do the vuvuzela.
- The vuvuzela is the cylindrical horn which fans blow to egg on their teams on match day. Its traditional roots stem from the blowing of a kudu horn across the hills and valleys of villages to bring the elders together for meetings. So it's bound to be noisy.
- And they're making a lot of noise, especially with those horns -- and I know FIFA were thinking of banning the, er, the horns for the sound that they make.
- Blown with no sense of when and how, the difficulty of FIFA's decision is clearly evident.

Duck on speed... ter-terribly child... vuvuzela... no excuse!

There is, of course, the smaller variety, which sounds like a duck on speed or the wailing of a terribly ill child. For this one, there is simply no excuse.

Duck on speed...

And please do not blow the vuvuzelas!

Back once again for the -- vuvuzela! -- master
D4 damager, power to the people
Back once again for the renegade master
D4 dama-- with the ill behaviour
Back once again for the -- vuvuzela! -- master
D4 damager, power to the people
Back once again for the renegade master
D4 dama-- with the ill behaviour

Duck on speed...

Do not blow the vuvuzelas!

Last Queued : 7 months, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 56 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 8 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.1 - Votes Placed: 70 View Voting History
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Get off my lawn!