
Song Information

Virt (Jake Kaufman)

Song Length: 3:22
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
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Additional Information:
This first started as an attempt to integrate a breakbeat with an old
chiptune I had written, and I ended up combining several melodies that
were not powerful enough on their own, into one large idea.
I had originally envisioned this as an escape from a huge castle, with the
fanfare at the beginning and then devious stirrings of tension... I ended
up going way out of line with cheesy chord progressions. Some Necros
influence here, and believe it or not I used one 4-chord transition from
the fight music in Laguna's scenarios in FF8. See if you can find it :D
At the end, the last pattern with drums in it, the chord progression is a
variant of the type used in the Back to the Future theme. I've never been
able to get it before, and I'm fucking proud, because it's complicated!
In all, I think this captures the "long journey together" so it was
fitting for Tasha and Robbit. Mazel Tov, guys :D
///A Daring Escape\\\
-a hybrid chiptune,
-by Virt of Alliance
This song is for Robert
And Tasha, to celebrate
their recent marriage.
I wish you everlasting
Love and happiness.
someday, we will all
get together and
hang out. I promise.
Most samples taken from
Mr.D, who took them from
me in the first place, so
I'm ripping my own samps!
(c)1999 Jacob Kaufman
Last Queued : 4 months, 1 week ago
This song has been played 38 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 1 month ago.
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Song Rating: 3.6 - Votes Placed: 27 View Voting HistoryA total of 2 users have this song on their favourites list.
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