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Voices of sinister by flag aMUSIC (Sotiris Varotsis)
Requested By: flagzoi

Time Left: 3:49

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Song Information

PC-XMFlight to the Inside

Author: flag KoM'AH GroupExplizit

Uploaded By: flagchilm

Song Length: 9:40
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Platform: PlatformPC-XM

Additional Information:

File: KMH-INSD.XM | Date: 1996 | Length: 9:39 | Speed/Tempo: 159 - 006 | Est. BPM: 159 | Size: 502 KB | Style: ~ Break beat.

:-|] EXPLiZiT [|-:

takes you along
in a flight, a

ready-patched version

Your captain: KoM'AH
Liftoff: 22-06-96
Length: 9:35
(Lamers, don't skip
patterns fer a change
Just listen the whole
damn song, or consi-
der yerself a zero]:(
May I have yer atten-
tion please? This is
yer captain KoM'AH
speaking. We're now
on a Flight to the
Inside and we are
experiencing some
hallucinogen visions..
Stay on yer place,
keep calm, close yer
eyes and flow with
the good vibez....

Greetz & Respect
flow out directly to:
Mad Max,T-Bass,Jay
Morphine,DJ Trip-L,
Mental Floss,Sturm,
and every1 I forgot..
respect to y'all too !

This very day I'm in
a bus on my way to
Spain, so don't bother
mailin' me and stuph..

There's more KoM'AH
in the pipeline when
I'm back in Cannabis
Country, so keep yer
ears 'n eyes open if
you want yer good old
Trance & Ambient
for free!
For now that is.. ;)

'Nuff zed,


And some wizewurds
from Starfleet central
command =)
When played in Cubic
and on a GUS, the old
version of this song
would sometimes sound
a little bit screwed.
CP would mis-interpret
the extra fine porta-
mento command playing
the breakbeat. In FT2
this effect causes a
kind of flanging, but
CP couldn't cope very

This text, the wurdz
from Starfleet command
prove that this song
has been updated to
version 1.1 which
sounds correctly in
Cubic Player 1.7

L8terz ...
Ch:ilm / Explizit

i'm a musicmaker too!!

Additional Info

Last Queued : 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 25 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 6 months ago.

Extra Resources: Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.6 - Votes Placed: 25 View Voting History
A total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.

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