Rapture (03:26:35) we were into DKC, not into S3
Rapture (03:26:24) 1994 was already SNES time, so yep, maybe because of that
Rapture (03:26:08) somehow arro cousin didn't buy sonic 3. although he had sonic 1 and 2. hm.
Rapture (03:24:46) he will LAUGH every 10 seconds, how bad I am in that game. cuz i didn't play it in 1994
Rapture (03:24:30) i imagine mirror sitting beside me, watching me play sonic 3
Rapture (03:23:55) stardust act 1 music is ace though
Rapture (03:23:43) s.mania maybe i try it a bit again, but I know I will be annoyed quickly again.
Rapture (03:23:23) sonic 3 has been deleted sucessfully (well, just free spaced to be overwritten, no windows deletes files ever)
Rapture (03:22:52) (7 emeralds)
Rapture (03:22:50) blue sphere makes me dizzy . you should call it epilepzy zone 1-7
Time Left: 2:35
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