mirrorbird (01:46:35) into the bottle-bank
Agemixer (01:46:25) i must stay aware[?] of backbone and stuff like that happens
Agemixer (01:44:40) threw, like .?
mirrorbird (01:43:08) carefully picked it up with gloves
Agemixer (01:43:02) the nasty thing is to figure out, what is still missing!
mirrorbird (01:43:01) yesterday i threw a bottle into the recycling but missed
Agemixer (01:41:49) some stuff flied around. just collected some, looks like nothing broke this time
Agemixer (01:40:24) i was half sleep, woke up, trying to get a standing balance but fell over a table
Agemixer (01:39:11) Damn i freaked...
Rapture (01:37:20) goose night! o/
Time Left: 4:05
List over votes for the song Boomslang