Erk (11:11:00)
Erk (11:03:53) T'façon, il suffit d'un seul français pour foutre le bololo. Alors hein.
d_vibe (10:25:51)
d_vibe (10:16:00) Bombaddabombaddabombaddabombadda
Erk (10:11:03)
Erk (10:10:32) Ouai qu'est-ce tu vas faire vazy lascard
LittleWhite (10:03:59) La France en force à 2...
Erk (09:29:39) yup, old song.
d_vibe (09:28:54) makes it a bit muddy, but the song was good none the less
d_vibe (09:28:44) I think the issue is in the mix and that it's too much reverb
Time Left: 4:16
This tune was removed per artist's request