arrakis (11:41:11) yapapaa
Thexder (09:00:28) mornings
Colidace (08:56:17) Hi nectas
Agemixer (06:57:02) i.go
Agemixer (06:51:01) zoi i mean, the necta PM's
zoi (06:40:41) you can't unsend e-mails
zoi (06:40:07) yes. torille!
Agemixer (05:52:52) inbox
Agemixer (05:52:39) hmmm.. trying to clean up my onbox a bit. Theres no delete button for sent messages
Agemixer (05:48:56) Zoi, Kaj won at Mello
Time Left: 2:59
A history of play requests for song Faux pas