
Song Information
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2005 ExampleSongRelated songs:

Troy1818 (Mathias Edman)

Song Length: 4:22
Release Year: 2005
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 785 kbps
Song Source: Newschool
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Additional Information:
This mod was made by Mathias Edman [Troy1818] in 2005.
This content here is made exclusively for the Madtracker 2.5 final release.
As you can se, this mod has a plain and simple structure without any strange combination of digits and complex stuff in the patterns. With this I want to illustrate that the digits and stuff is not needed to make a good mod(the truth is that I'm trying to impress you all and that since I'm a NOOb I don't know Jack about how this really works :). The mod here completely releies on the track effect and the VSTi many functions to make the samples sound good.
The mod is dedicated to Blizzards WOW. I hope they don't mind me using one or two of their voice samples (these samples are for obvious reasons not included in this mod). This mod is my way of showing the respect and gratitude that blizzard deserve, making the best games ever!
Thanks Blizzard!
Last Queued : 7 months, 2 weeks ago
This song has been played 12 times. [See Request History]
It was added 5 years, 9 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.4 - Votes Placed: 7 View Voting HistoryA total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.
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