Agemixer (02:32:01) Why not a tracker
Agemixer (02:29:13) Rap you are so strange..
Rapture (02:28:22) best
Rapture (02:28:21) activision game maker music maker
Rapture (02:28:16) nooooooooo
Agemixer (02:27:54) You should try SidWizard instead or. something
Rapture (02:26:55)
Rapture (02:26:42) such great creatures
Rapture (02:26:37) geese are the best OMG
Agemixer (02:25:42) Activision "Music studio" :-P i have that too.. if something is good about it, then it must be just layered sounds! Haha
Time Left: 8:35
A history of play requests for song 3vil ch33p suxmix