not YOUR country. somebody's.
brb considering getting married (the girl i have loved in california since 2005 is getting itchy... hahaha... your country is a problem)
poor Rappy. the most cruel thing i could do would just be to go to Revision (in germany!!) and have fun. but can't be bothered. sofa scene.
i will respect you when you fix the compiler backslash https://github.com or write a romance novel without werewolves. fucking stab me, i'm not as dumb as you think (yet)
re myself and Rappy -- we argue regularly like a boring old retired couple. no harm done yet.
noodi: hi, i hope you're fine, and yes, i have the unpleasant 1980s approach of relying on measurable truth (versus pronouns. if this kills our tiny internet friendship, doesn't matter, becaue truth is more important, and i CAN measure it)
patience, downloading a medieval tracker
and then yoiu guys just say really mean shit about your families and personal life and i dont think thats good at all