Colidace (00:11:50) he's been afraid of spiders his whole life
Rapture (00:11:24) not happy with what ?
Colidace (00:11:09) my wife is not happy with the fact and I don't even kill spiders at home
Rapture (00:11:03) many humans are crazy and silly, too bad, I wished for more in the human world, but *shrugs* Nectarine people are cool!
Rapture (00:10:32) animals are normal and super cute!
Rapture (00:10:23) at least in the human world. I visit birds as often as I can to spend my time with them.
Rapture (00:10:08) It's dark times at the moment.....
silencer (00:09:40) Rap: yes, that's for sure
silencer (00:09:27) Hi Colidace!
Rapture (00:09:15) colidace Hi!
Time Left: 5:22
A history of play requests for song Hotwire 1