mirrorbird (01:49:29) i've been told that a good way to identify a non-native english speaker is that they will pronounce the silent L in "salmon" (fish). so -- if you plan to invade (AGAIN), now you know
Rapture (01:49:17) if you wanna torture germans.
Rapture (01:49:11) you mustnt take a squirrel into ur spaceshuttle
Rapture (01:48:50) mussent, ah
Rapture (01:48:48) i pronouce it as mustnt, making a twist in ur tongue lol
Rapture (01:47:57) ok cya laters
Rapture (01:47:54) something between "ok" and "here is my novel review"
Rapture (01:47:34) i expect your vast review soon. tons of feedback. jk
Rapture (01:47:22) haha ok take your time mirror
Rapture (01:46:58) it's should've HAVE
Time Left: 4:30
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