Agemixer (08:20:08) perhaps this one but lets see how it converts. d:) d;)
Agemixer (08:18:46) or perhaps not =8)
Agemixer (08:18:04) darn : D
Agemixer (08:17:49) ohh what
Agemixer (08:17:38) Since i see the use of emojis vary from place to another so much i revert some of mine back to oldschool safe ones..
Agemixer (08:15:17) Morning lemonade o/
lemonade (07:44:35) Good morning \o
Agemixer (05:29:55) i_go
Agemixer (05:29:31) Ok i should check this Furnace some day what has it got innit..
Agemixer (04:12:52) well my tracker scheme has it more control over wanted parameters automatable via tracks but perhaps thats the only basic-tracker feature.. i guess
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