Rapture (22:03:14) off to bed with ya!
Rapture (21:59:00) are you not in bed, fara?
faraday (21:51:31) what we need most is more cowbell
Rapture (21:37:42) uh, I sound like a gaming kiddie
Rapture (21:37:37) PS5 has like 14-16TFLOPS. so.. when is PS6 coming out, we need more TFLOPS
Rapture (21:36:51) FLOPSIES !!!
Rapture (21:36:49) https://www.reddit.com
Rapture (21:34:31) zoi pls
zoi (21:34:18) but can it run crysis?
Rapture (21:33:34) on a GPU
Time Left: 2:36
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