Rapture (00:15:52) that's the ONLY thing where I am like . hmmmmmm....
Rapture (00:15:45) i wonder how much a cat would stink in my appartment...? when shitting ?
mirrorbird (00:15:44) ha ha. i showered on friday, you can't put me in your sentence
Rapture (00:15:27) ah, interesting.
Rapture (00:15:16) dogs are cleaner than... oh well
mirrorbird (00:14:57) apparently your 'text' is only stored in the local browser but i haven't actually confirmed that
Rapture (00:14:49) many muslims have dogs as pets. they dont read their middleage book too well. good.
mirrorbird (00:14:43) Perchance is good, i wonder who runs it and why. maybe he's logging everything and will blackmail the whole world.
Rapture (00:14:35) i UNDERSTAND that? pff..
Rapture (00:14:22) but doesnt destroy the immersion. for free, it's good.
Time Left: 4:04
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