Acci (10:01:27) Haven't thought about the pronounciation. Maybe like 阿奇 / Ā qí.
franz_opa (09:53:29) pronounced "äksi", i suppose
Colidace (09:23:17) thanks nyingen, I haven't fully recovered either
nyingen (09:19:56) Have been on holiday but returned today. Dead tired though, going to bed shortly. Hope you all had a safe and easygoing holiday, where applicable
nyingen (09:19:11)
Acci (09:17:47) Thank you for shortening my handle!
nyingen (09:17:16) Accidental now known as Acci, per request
Colidace (08:57:38) zoi, arrakis o/
arrakis (08:56:43) Are ya amdiN?
arrakis (08:56:39) GHi Franz/Age/Zoi Coli
Time Left: 7:26
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